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Frequently Asked Questions

We wish to use this forum to provide accurate information to all those involved in our hockey program and dismiss some of the misinformation that unfortunately gets spread around during the season.

When are the practices for my child's team?

Practice times will be listed on the general schedule and team schedule. At the start of the season, times are not firmly set until approximately 2 weeks before the first practice due to the unknown numbers registered for each age group. The executive will endeavour to try to keep practice times to approximately similar times as the previous year but cannot assure this due to ice availability and the number of teams.

How are house and A/AA teams chosen?

DMH executive aims to provide a fun and challenging experience for all its player. For house leagues, the coaches rank players and attempt to equally distribute them between teams. For A/AA team, scouts not associated with the age level involved will be approached to independently rank players on the ice for these levels. If a player is assigned to a team that a coach or parent disagrees with, a formal letter of explanation and proposed resolution must be issued to the board for review and discussion.

How is the practice schedule and game schedule made up?

The practice schedule is made by the Administrative Director and is put online as soon as teams are chosen and when available ice times are known. Team game schedules are put online by each team coach, manager or representative with a login onto the website. Each team is responsible for imputing their games at the correct times and dates and to update if changes occur. Any game results may also be input with the team choosing what extent of information is wished to be shown on their results page. All games in Dauphin arenas need to be confirmed with the Administrative Director prior to posting.

What are tournament committees permitted to do for auction prizes?

This years sponsorship committee is compiling prizes for tournaments. If parents/relatives of children within a league, or a company they are working for, wishes to provide prizes for draws, they can be accepted. If this occurs, please contact the Fund raising committee to let them know. This way the donator can be recognized on our website and be issued a tax deductible receipt and a thank you from Dauphin Minor Hockey.

Are mouth guards mandatory?

From Hockey Manitoba Bulletin 02-04 issued by Peter Woods (Executive Director) : As a proactive and safety measure Hockey Manitoba passed a motion at the 2001 Annual General Meeting in May that requires mandatory use of internal mouth guards for all players excluding Senior Hockey that are registered in the Branch. Players are required to wear mouth guards during all training sessions and game participation. Goaltenders and players that have been fitted with oral braces are not exempt from this ruling and are required to comply. Members are not required to purchase custom fitted mouth guards from their dentist in order to meet the criteria established for this ruling and are able to use mouth guards purchased through a sporting goods retailer. In the event player(s) who are participating in leagues that require the use of full face masks fail to wear a mouth guard during game participation, they will be issued a warning and asked to return to the bench. Both teams will be warned and all subsequent violations will result in a minor penalty being assessed against the offending player as per Rule 3.6 regarding protective equipment. For divisions of hockey that allow the wearing of the half visor, the wearing of a mouth guard is compulsory (recommended but optional for Senior hockey). When a player fails to properly wear a mouth guard at any time on the ice during the game, first offence for that team in the game is a warning to the team subsequent violations result in the player being assessed a misconduct penalty. Thank you for your support in helping make the game safer for all participants.

  • Further to the above bulletin: NOTE TO ALL REFEREES Please note that in Rule 3.6 re Protective Equipment a player with improper equipment is ruled off the ice until such equipment is deemed acceptable. Therefore if a player is not wearing a “Mouth guard” he/she cannot play until a mouth guard is obtained. The player, if penalized should be ruled off the ice and a substitute player from the ice should be sent to the penalty box to serve the penalty.
  • EXAMPLE QUESTION: There is a player who claims to have a orthodontist's note saying they do not need to wear a mouth-guard to play hockey. Is this acceptable???
  • RESPONSE & HOCKEY MANITOBA'S REQUIREMENTS: The player and parent should forward the orthodontist's note to Hockey Manitoba to have it "date stamped" and signed by Peter Woods as Exec. Director. This signed and approved note must be carried by the coach and shown to the referee prior to the game in order to be exempt from the rule. If this is not the case and the coach does not have the approved note to show the referee then the player must wear a mouth-guard in order to play.
My child is only 4 years old, is there another option for ice time?

Rascals -Intro to Hockey - 3yrs and up. Are you looking for a program for your 3, 4 or older child that needs to learn to skate? In combination with Dauphin Recreation Services, there is a program continuing from the 2008-09 season for 3, 4 and older children to provide an ice time once a week where you can go on the ice with the child. The aim is to have instruction during the scheduled time even with the parents on the ice. Concentration will be on skating skills to begin with branching off to beginner hockey skills as the children develop.

  • There will be a requirement for the children to wear full hockey equipment and have a stick. The cost will be $45 for the 2009-2010 season. The program will run for 30-45minutes once a week starting approximately after the Thanksgiving weekend.
  • If you are interested in a program like this, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be placed on a list. Please include your name, your child's name and age, a contact phone number and an email address.
If I have a disagreement with the coach of my child's team, and we are unable to solve the problem ourselves, what happens then?

Coach Conflict occurs from time to time. If you find you can't solve your issue or problem with a coach, then you should go to team manager or convener. The issue will be taken to the Convener Coordinator which then will have a discussion with the 1st VP or 2nd VP, depending on the division. If the issue cannot be solved this way, it will be tabled at the next board meeting for discussion.

If you have a question that you believe should be on the list, please feel free to forward it to any board member, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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News Letter

It is our goal to send out a newsletter, every few months, to bring you up-to-date on what is happening, within in our Minor Hockey Organization, as well as to educate you with Hockey Manitoba and Hockey Canada updates, and so much more!

-Summer News Letter-

Misson Statement

"We dedicate ourselves to the advancement of amateur hockey for all individuals through progressive leadership and by ensuring meaningful opportunities and enjoyable experiences in a safe sportsmanlike environment"


Managing a team?  Click below for all your required documents


Coaching and Parent Resources: Click below for related links and documents.




Important Coaching Info: